Special Announcement

Special Announcement:
2017 Hibernia Native American Harvest Festival
Saturday, October 7th - Sunday, October 8th at
Hibernia Park 1 Park Rd, Coatesville, Pennsylvania 19320
Gates Open at 10:00 AM - and Close at 6:00 PM
Grand Entry at Noon
$5 Parking Fee (Per Car)
Free Camping for Dancers, Staff and Vendors in field
ATM on site

Sunday, May 7, 2017

2017 Hibernia Native American Vendor Packet


2017 Hibernia Native American Harvest Festival

Vendor Packet

If anyone is interested in becoming a vendor for the
 2017 Hibernia Native American Harvest Festival
you can find the vendor packet for more information
and you can also print it out and send it Jodi Martin
Vendor Packet Can Be Found Here


  1. Do you ever have author's there? Also what is the sponsorship about? Inquiring minds want to know ;)

    1. the author misspelled authors lol
